Growing Up in Mississippi

Growing Up in Mississippi by Bertha M. Davis is a vivid and descriptive biography that grips at the very core of every human emotion. It tugs at your heart as you witness the characters growing up in a somewhat painful world, but their trials and tribulations bond them together with a unified strength as they triumph and overcome travesties.

Experience the character development of wayward Uncle Wigley, a cursed man among many black families who resorts to inflicting abuse upon family members. Follow the relationship between Jay and Tish, a classic example of how women in the past wound up with larger, unplanned families because love conquered all, even poverty. Growing Up in Mississippi is a modern day tale with a happy ending that heralds the rise of our families of the past through political and social upheavals as prevalent as the Civil Rights Movement.

Bertha M. Davis, a native of Webb, Mississippi, now resides in Indianapolis, Indiana. In the summer of 1988, Davis graduated from Indiana Vocational Technical State College, majoring in Secretarial Science and Word Processing. For over thirty-three years, she has been a member of the Outreach Team Prison Ministry, a volunteer chaplain at the Marion County Jail, and has received numerous awards for serving her community. She is an award-winning author for her book, Growing Up in Mississippi, which received the Best Book Award by Reviewers Choice Awards, the Five Stars YOUinty Reviewers Award Worldwide in New York.

Growing Up in Mississippi is a 207 page, 5×7 softcover book. Cover art by Betsy Morphew.
